Info from over 300 streaming providers, including:

What service is it on?
Search for any movie or series and R8 will tell you which service it's on. R8 has access to over 300 streaming providers and works in over 100 countries.

Universal watchlist
Looking for something to watch across your streaming services? Forget browsing through each one separately; R8 lets you filter and search them all at once.

See what your friends are watching
Connect with your friends on R8 to see what they're watching. Curious if a show is worth watching? See which of your friends liked it and which ones thought it was just OK. Recommendations from friends are so much better than reviews from strangers.

Personal collection
Favorite films and series are like "collector's items." With R8, you can create your own virtual film collection and remember so many great films and series you've seen. Or watch them again.